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77 total results found

Players Handbook

Information about Nexus open to all players of the game.

Ideas to curb over hunting a zone.


Copy/past from discord:  There are a few more suggestions for this topic.  Will update accordingl...

The History of the Realms

From the History Books Historical Archives of Altin

The History of the Realms has been posted in several parts, and will continue to be added to as t...


From the History Books Historical Archives of Altin

Since the time of the Daer'lin, one day in the world of Altin has been measured as one full cycle...

Basic Battle Tactics & Strategy

Game Play Essentials Weapons, Movement, & Tactics

Tactics Overview This is just an outline, and should be treated as such. There are, of course, m...

Character Classes

Game Play Essentials Races, Classes, & Stats

Barbarian You feel no pain in the red rage! The Barbarian of Nexus is brutality incarnate, doing...


Game Play Essentials Races, Classes, & Stats

Dark-Elf History:Civil war is a familiar thing to the Dark-Elves (Drow). During the first War of...

Status Effects on Creatures


Add status effects to creatures: Melee Range/standing next to a creature Players take sha...

Status Effects on Weapons: Poison and Elemental


For a full read-through of the ideas: Para...

Attune Items - Meld Shop


Used to be able to attune items at the meld shop for a hefty fee so that if you ever died they wo...


Darkness Passes

At the conclusion of Thelia's spell there was a bright light, and the top of the Ivory Tower was ...



Outside of the first few levels, poison and disease are easily countered.  New iteration idea:  ...

Toggle for limiting the number of a specific mob.


Add a toggle to mobs to limit the number that can spawn in a room. That in combination with a pe...

Edit spawn timers on the front end.


For the sake of an example, think of gate guards, or two wolves outside of a den.  I would like ...

Notes on Religion & Ethos

From the History Books Gods & Religion

In the beginning, there was Void... Void was great, but empty, and hungered... From Void were bor...

Faith & Religion - Old

From the History Books Gods & Religion

In the realms of the Nexus, there are essentially five distinct religious positions which a chara...

History of the Dwarfs

From the History Books Historical Archives of Altin

Dwarvengate King Nor't Shansor looked out from the shadows of the cave's mouth, down to the slop...

Policy and Rules

Game Play Essentials Introduction

  INTRODUCTION The policies on Aalynor's Nexus have been designed such that the majority of the...

Emissaries - Old

From the History Books Gods & Religion

  Guidelines for Emissaries Emissaries run the administrative aspects of a church. They are the...

Gods & Daerlin

From the History Books Gods & Religion

Aalynor, True God. Titles: Lord of Dawn, Lord of Life, Lord of the Light. Status: active in t...

Events from History

From the History Books

Log submissions of Players old and new to tell the hidden stories of the realm.

Ideas | Wishes | Future

A place to document all things in the discord channels such as: - Nice-To-Haves - Future-Mech...

General Ideas

Storyline Notes

This will be a constantly updated section of notes regarding the current state of ongoing quests ...

Darkness Passes

Where we are in the Story of Nexus currently

From the History Books

Documents restored from the grave and from lots of peoples effort to find everything Nexus. Plea...

Game Play Essentials

Rules & Policies, Role-playing, Classes, Races, Stats, Combat, and things related to playing the ...


This will be the start of pulling ideas/wish-list information from the discord into this forum. ...



A spot for things that might have been in the old game, but aren't in the new game yet and we wou...


List of NPCs and the relevant notes for their personality and encounters with players.

Statistics Guides

Understanding how to Query and Read statistics from the API


Game Play Essentials

Things to read before you start playing. Get familiar with the game rules, world lore, and player...

Bardic Words of Art

From the History Books

This area will be dedicated to collecting and preserving the works of our members. If you woul...

Races, Classes, & Stats

Game Play Essentials

Things to know about when creating a character.

Weapons, Movement, & Tactics

Game Play Essentials

Things to know before going into battle against monsters of this realm.

Magic's of Nexus

Game Play Essentials

Things related to the known magic system and spells throughout the realm.

Historical Archives of Altin

From the History Books

Text related to the ancient history of Aalynors Nexus & the world of Altin. Creation from the Voi...

Gods & Religion

From the History Books

Texts related specifically to the Gods and Religions filling the world of Aalynor's Nexus.

Heroes of the Realms

From the History Books

From the archives of the old Nexus Library. Histories of past Hero's long gone. Book pages that h...

Guild of Knowledge Library

From the History Books

Text saved from archives about the old Library of the Guild Of Knowledge. Keep in mind that this ...

Getting Started, Geography, & Custom Bags

Game Play Essentials

How to join Nexus and where to get started leveling in Altin. Plus other info about the world of ...

Roleplaying Basics

Game Play Essentials Introduction

  The Basics of Roleplaying in Aalynors Nexus Roleplaying in the realms of Aalynor's Nexus is a...