Status Effects on Creatures

  • Add status effects to creatures:
    • Melee Range/standing next to a creature
      • Players take shared fire damage. (fighting a mob that is burning)
      • Players take water damage/being to drown from a water elemental
      • Multiple players are required to soak a single sweeping attack, or large hit.
    • Ranged players
        • Creature echos, "Mob beings to cast meteor on random player character, higher priority over one not in melee range.
        • Players would then need to stack up with the target of that spell in order to spread the damage.
      • Spell debuff, or status ailment on a player, that would require anyone else standing in the same room position to take damage. Would require players to spread out.
  • Pros/Cons/Goals:
    • Issues, coding intensive, completely new interaction within nexus.
    • Allows for combat to be more interactive, without adding more abilities/player power to classes.
    • Large hunts/quests would be chaotic! (Unless good leadership and communication is present)
    • Possibly a way to balance hunting areas, or at the very least promote different types of groups or challenges. There would need to be enough variety that one specific type of class didn't feel left out or unable to participate.